
demography [dɪˈmɒgrəfi]  [dɪˈmɑ:grəfi] 


demography 基本解释



demography 网络解释

1. 人口统计学:人口统计或人口统计学(Demography)为研究一个地区或国家人口的学门,主要涵盖人口总数、人口结构、与人口变迁及发展等方面. 其精细之意义为︰「对人类人口数量及其因出生、死亡及移民所引起之变动之研究.

2. 统计:到96年底的前十年的第一年人数少(my key)其他的不记得了73 人口统计(demography)表明teenage的人数减少,而under ten的人数增加,一般parent雇佣teenage做baby sitter,因此teenage baby sitter将会发生紧张,好象是问反驳.

demography 词典解释

1. 人口学;人口统计学
    Demography is the study of the changes in numbers of births, deaths, marriages, and cases of disease in a community over a period of time.

...a politically astute economist and demographer.
demography 单语例句

1. " Demography works in the background of the economic trajectory, " he says.

2. The period between 2025 and 2030 will be significant in terms of China's demography, with the rate of population growth reducing to zero during that time.

3. Many mega cities in some developed countries experiencing economic booms are not bound to meet the challenge of an undue mass increase in demography.

4. A report by China Demography and Development Research Institution says the population growth rate in northwest China remains the highest in the country since 1970.


5. The demography of Xinjiang shows the features of low rate of birth, low rate of death and low rate of increase.

6. If the Palestinians end their uprising, their remaining levers for negotiations may be time and demography.

7. Zhang Yi at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences'institute of population and labor economics, attributes the labor shortage to structural changes in China's demography.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. This demography shows China is still in the period of transition to an industrialized society.

demography 英英释义



1. the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations

    Synonym: human ecology