
dense [dens]  [dɛns] 



dense 基本解释


形容词密集的,稠密的; 浓密的,浓厚的; 愚钝的

dense 同义词

形容词compact solid crowded heavy close stupid compressed thick dull

dense 反义词

形容词thin weak rare dilute sparse

dense 相关例句


1. Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.

2. He is so dense he'll never amount to anything.

3. We fought our way through dense forest.

dense 网络解释


1. 密:问题是,过于稠密(dense)的组织层级可能无法系统地抓住这类战略学习(的精髓). 能熟练进行软分析的规划者这时就可以发挥作用了:他们可以先找到这些不断出现的模式,然后为了整个组织的利益对这些模式进行详细审查.

2. 密集的:数组必须是密集的(dense),有着连续的下标索引.所以我们不能从数组中删除元素.而对于嵌套表来说,初始化时,它是密集的,但它是允许有间隙的(sparse), 也就是说它的下标索引可以是不连续的.

3. 稠密:满足的图,称为稀疏(sparse)图;反之,称为稠密(dense)图. 简单图G中长度为奇数和偶数的圈分别称为奇圈(odd cycle)和偶圈(even cycle). 边割集(edge cut set):边集,若G删除了后不连通,但删除了的任意真子集后G仍然连通. 则称点割集.

dense 词典解释

1. 稠密的;密集的
    Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area.

    e.g. Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest...
    e.g. Its fur is short, dense and silky...

Java is a densely populated island...
The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. (雾、烟等)浓的,浓重的
    Dense fog or smoke is difficult to see through because it is very heavy and dark.

    e.g. A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.

3. (物质)密度大的
    In science, a dense substance is very heavy in relation to its volume.

    e.g. ...a small dense star.

4. (文章、电影等因信息量大而)难懂的,费解的
    If you describe writing or a film as dense, you mean that it is difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information and ideas.

    e.g. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.

5. 愚蠢的;愚钝的;鲁钝的
    If you say that someone is dense, you mean that you think they are stupid and that they take a long time to understand simple things.

    e.g. He's not a bad man, just a bit dense.

dense 单语例句

1. Dense trees line the lanes and small hills provide a tranquil oasis just meters away from the busy streets.

2. A woman covers her nose when walking through dense fog caused by heavy pollution in Beijing on Tuesday.

3. For the island was surrounded by the sea and covered by dense forests.

4. Government soldiers killed eight rebels and discovered a large cache of weapons in dense jungles of southern Colombia.

5. Temperatures reached 80 to 90 C, and carbon monoxide was dense in the zone where the five miners were trapped.

6. Wear a dust mask to vacuum and cover bedroom vents with dense filtering material like cheesecloth.

7. The miner bought himself several clinical masks to avoid inhaling dense dust that could almost choke him but they soon became stained black.


8. The red sandal wood takes on a color of purplish brown, and is so dense that any piece of it placed in water will sink immediately.

9. Yu Hui draws landscapes of southern China - the wild weed, the dense wood and the transparent pond - like a dreamland with vivid colors.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. The entire area is covered with towering cliffs of sandstone of quartz and dense unspoiled forests that conceal fantastic caves full of stalactites and stalagmites.