dental caries

dental caries [ˈdentəl ˈkeəri:z]  [ˈdɛntl ˈkɛriz] 

dental caries 基本解释

龋,龋齿; 蛀齿

dental caries 网络解释

dental caries

1. 龋病:背景: 龋病(Dental Caries)是人类发病率高、波及面广,最为常见的一种口腔疾病. 世界卫生组织已将其与癌症和心血管疾病并列为危害人类健康的三大疾病. 牙菌斑是龋病发生过程中不可缺少的微生态环境,国内外学者已经从各种角度对牙菌斑与龋病之间的关系进行了探讨,

2. 蛀齿:齿痛 toothache | 蛀齿 decayed tooth ; dental caries ; tooth caries ; tooth cavity | 义齿 an artificial tooth

3. 蛀牙:Dehydration脱 水 | Dental Caries蛀 牙 | Diabetes Mellitus糖 尿 病

dental caries 单语例句


1. More than 60 percent of total correspondents have dental caries and about 80 percent have bleeding gums.

2. Dental caries is an infection caused by plaque, a sticky film on teeth formed from accumulated food debris.

dental caries 英英释义

dental caries


1. soft decayed area in a tooth
    progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth

    Synonym: cavity caries tooth decay