
dentilabial [ˌdentɪ'leɪbɪəl]  [ˌdentɪ'leɪbɪrl] 

dentilabial 基本解释

形容词唇齿音的; 齿唇音

dentilabial 网络解释

1. 唇齿音的:dentil 齿状装饰 | dentilabial 唇齿音的 | dentilingual 齿舌音

2. 唇齿音的 (形):dentigerous 有齿的 (形) | dentilabial 唇齿音的 (形) | dentilingual 齿舌音的 (形)

dentilabial 双语例句

1. To a black duck, sweet, Xiangxiang, and began to have a little spicy, spicy slowly to the whole, the whole tongue in打颤, as you chew, the kind of unique flavor will infiltrate dentilabial between free in every taste bud on top, even if you rinse with mouthwash, 香嫩feeling kind of hot for a long time still remaining in the mouth, no wonder that the people will sigh eaten: fun, fun ah!