

departmentation 网络解释


1. 部门划分;部门化;分部:departmentalization 部门划分;部门化;分部 | departmentation 部门划分;部门化;分部 | deploy 调配;调派;部署

2. 划分部门:分部制度 departmental system | 划分部门 departmentation | 出发 departure

3. 部门:Departmental location 部门位置 | Departmentation 部门 | Department 系/部门/百货公司

departmentation 双语例句


1. Matrix organization: The combining of functional and project or product patterns of departmentation in the same organization structure.


2. Another version is that 10% from the brain capacity is the conscious part and the 90% is the subconscious part (The reality is, there is no such departmentation).


3. Our overall operation is in strict accordance with the ISO and we make the departmentation to eight which includes Management Dept, Sales Dept, QA Dept, Finance Dept and etc.
    我们公司整体运作严格按照 ISO 对公司内部进行了部门划分,包括:Management Dept。,sales dept,QA dept ,finance dept。