





depends 基本解释
依赖;依靠( depend的第三人称单数 );信赖;决定于;
depends 网络解释

1. 依赖:软件包 A 依赖(depends)软件包 B:要运行A必须安装 B. 在有些情况下,A 不仅依赖 B,还要求 B 的特定版本. 版本依赖通常有最低版本限制,A 更依赖于B的最新版而非某个特定版本. 软件包 A 推荐(recommends)软件包 B:软件包维护者认为所有用户都不会喜欢缺少某些功能的 A,

2. 原原本本地显示该软件包的依赖信息:show - 以便于阅读的格式介绍该软件包 | depends - 原原本本地显示该软件包的依赖信息 | rdepends - 显示所有依赖于该软件包的软件包名字

3. 喜欢麦当劳还是肯德基:>喜欢咖啡吗:CAPPUCciNO~~ | >喜欢麦当劳还是肯德基:DEPENDS.... | >喜欢去的地方:FUN FAIR..

4. 看情况再说:you 请注意!听着! | depends. 看情况再说 | 's deal. 一言为定

depends 单语例句

1. He added the amount of government subsidies for the project depends on the details of tender papers submitted by investors.

2. But it depends on the temperature, so call to find out if they are still open.

3. It all depends on how much a person can afford and what he wants.?

4. And for all the talk of ending a dangerous reliance on foreign oil, the US depends more on Canada for imported oil than it does any other country.

5. depends

5. Canoe Slalom depends on great upper body strength, but also incredible control and precision.

6. The economy depends increasingly on technological innovation and capital input for growth.

7. depends的意思

7. Radiocarbon dating depends on measuring the radioactive isotope of carbon known as carbon 14, which is ingested during a lifetime and steadily decays after death.

8. How investors incorporate this analysis into their investment activity depends on their beliefs about the gold market.

9. The appropriate amount of exercise depends upon the stage in the pregnancy, as well as the mother's prior level of physical activity.

10. The price of different rosewood furniture depends on other raw materials used and the skill of the carpenter.