
deployment [dɪ'plɔɪmənt]  [dɪˈplɔɪmənt] 



deployment 基本解释


名词部署; 调度

deployment 网络解释

1. 部署:ing)图o 部署(Deployment)图o 文件产出 (Document Generation)o 程式码产出 (Code Generation)o 如何界定系统范围(System Boundary)o 如何找出使用案例与参与者(Actor)o 使用案例叙述(Description)的写作实务o 案例分析(Case Stydy) - 使用案例的实现(Realization)与实作(从使用案例到循序图到产出程式码)o 利用虚拟码(Pseu

2. 展开:3.3 澳大利亚质量委员会1998年制定澳大利亚优质商业服务框架,并采用ADRI循环方法即对策(Approach)、展开(Deployment)、结果(Result)、改进 (Improvement)进行评估认证医疗机构质量管理方面的成效,并设立澳大利亚国际商业服务优质奖,

3. 配置:在基因配置(deployment)、交替(rotation)、聚集(pyramiding)中,即使过时的品种也可能再被利用. 1. 1840年代爱尔兰由於马铃薯晚疫病(Phytophthora infestans)盛行造成饥荒,人民大量迁移至美国(见NAS, 1972). 2.

4. 调配:这种权力对sexuality的调配(deployment),使人类自身的生理特征成为了社会建构(social construction)的对象. 而这一建构的过程无疑蕴藏了巨大的危机,American Beauty中的每个角色都被这种无形的力量(power)所控制,

deployment 词典解释

1. (部队、资源或装备的)部署,调集
    The deployment of troops, resources, or equipment is the organization and positioning of them so that they are ready for quick action.

    e.g. ...the deployment of troops into townships.

deployment 单语例句

1. This project consists of the reconstruction of telecom infrastructure, and the deployment of the Internet and cable television broadcasting system.

2. The crew of the carrier has been on active service in the Persian Gulf since their deployment in August.

3. They also can be summoned to active duty by the Pentagon for military deployment.

4. But the tracked vehicles cannot use today's network of roads for rapid deployment, needing the help of tank carriers.

5. A mismatch between the infusion of credit and the actual deployment of funds earmarked for stimulus projects facilitated some degree of speculation in asset markets.

6. The deployment is considered the first case in recent history that sees China sending vessels on a potential combat mission beyond its territorial waters.

7. deployment是什么意思

7. Appropriate regulations and standards of liability and safety would be necessary for CCS deployment, the results showed.

8. Wardak said Taliban militants had stepped up their attacks to coincide with the alliance deployment, aiming to undermine public support for the Afghanistan mission in European NATO countries.

9. The US made the colossal mistake of adopting a China containment strategy featuring the deployment of military forces and the strengthening of military alliances.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The launch represents Huawei's first commercial deployment in the United States, following successful CDMA deployments in nearly 40 countries around the world.

deployment 英英释义


1. deployment

1. the distribution of forces in preparation for battle or work