
deracinate [ˌdi:ˈræsɪneɪt]  [dəˈræsəˌnet] 

deracinate 基本解释


及物动词根除; 灭绝; 擦掉; 抹去

deracinate 网络解释

1. 根除:deplore 悲痛,哀悼, 指责 | deracinate 根除 | derelict 被遗弃的人

2. 根除,灭绝:nigreo黑人 | deracinate根除,灭绝 | radical根本

3. 根除/灭绝/使孤立:dequeue /出列/解队/ | deracinate /根除/灭绝/使孤立/ | deradenitis /颈部腺炎/

4. 根除,杜绝:deputy: 代表;副警长 | deracinate: 根除,杜绝 | deranged: 精神错乱的,有精神病的

deracinate 英英释义



1. pull up by or as if by the roots

    e.g. uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden

    Synonym: uproot extirpate root out

2. deracinate

2. move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment

    e.g. The war uprooted many people

    Synonym: uproot