
derail [dɪˈreɪl]  [diˈrel] 





derail 基本解释




derail 网络解释


1. 出轨:3. ver [超出] exceed | 出轨 : derail | 4. ver [给] give out

2. 脱轨:defendant 被告 | derail 脱轨 | devastating 破坏性的

3. 使(火车)脱轨:dethrone 使離王位 | derail 使(火車)脫軌 | de- 向下、降低、減少

4. 脱轨器:der. 引出 | derail 脱轨器 | deranged drainage 紊乱水系

derail 词典解释

1. 阻挠;使离开正常进程
    To derail something such as a plan or a series of negotiations means to prevent it from continuing as planned.

    e.g. The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks.

2. derail在线翻译

2. (使)(火车)出轨;(使)脱轨
    If a train is derailed or if it derails, it comes off the track on which it is running.

    e.g. Several people were injured today when a train was derailed...
    e.g. No-one knows why the train derailed.

derail 单语例句

1. They demonstrate a constructive approach to issues of common concern at a time when protectionist sentiments threaten to derail bilateral trade.

2. derail

2. Maglev supporters contend that the trains are nearly impossible to derail because they wrap around the guideway and have no wheels.

3. Accelerating extinctions would derail a United Nations goal of " a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss " by 2010.

4. He has deliberately avoided sweeping policy changes that could derail his government, but now has an opportunity to pass any legislation he wants with his new majority.

5. They also hope that Serbia and Russia will not derail the process.

6. That's adding to concern policymakers will take steps to restrain prices, spurring speculation that slowing growth in China will derail the recovery in developing countries.

7. In a statement at the recent Doha round of negotiations in Japan, it said that further trade protectionism would derail the momentum of the global economic recovery.

8. derail的翻译

8. The magazine says the cover is meant to satirize the use of scare tactics and misinformation in the presidential election to derail Obama.

9. Without effectively fighting off these three forces of evil, their economies will derail and societies will be hit by chaos and disarray.

10. The Taliban say the canceled runoff election in Afghanistan proves that their efforts to derail the vote with threats and attacks were successful.

derail 英英释义


1. run off or leave the rails

    e.g. the train derailed because a cow was standing on the tracks

    Synonym: jump

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. cause to run off the tracks

    e.g. they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste