
destroyer [dɪˈstrɔɪə(r)]  [dɪˈstrɔɪɚ] 



destroyer 基本解释

名词驱逐舰; 破坏者,扑灭者; 驱逐者; 起破坏作用的事物

destroyer 网络解释

1. 驱逐舰:驱逐舰(destroyer)以导弹、鱼雷、舰炮为主要武器,具有较强的多种作战能力的中型水面战斗舰艇. 海军舰队编成中的重要舰种之一. 用于攻击潜艇和水面舰船,担负舰船编队防空和反潜,以及护航、巡逻、警戒、封锁、搜索和救援,袭击岸上目标,

2. 湮灭者:一种是善于近战的湮灭者(Destroyer),他残暴的才力可以轻巧重击许多敌人;链金术士(Alchemist)可以召唤治下帮助他,并且远距离的****敌人;征服者(Vanquisher)是一名优良的射手,她可以采取陷阱混淆敌人的视听.

destroyer 词典解释

1. 驱逐舰
    A destroyer is a small, heavily armed warship.

2. destroyer的意思

2. 破坏者;毁灭者;消灭者
    Something or someone that is described as a destroyer destroys things or people.

    e.g. The company is the world's largest destroyer of tropical forests.

destroyer 单语例句

1. China's guided missile destroyer Shenzhen made a port call at Tokyo late last year, the country's first military visit to Japan since WWII.

2. A Chinese warship made a port of call in Japan in November 2007, followed by a reciprocal visit by a Japanese destroyer in June of last year.

3. destroyer在线翻译

3. The destroyer positioned itself between the small pirate boats trying to board the cargo ships and used its helicopter to repel them.

4. The outpouring of exaggerated joy has served as an effective destroyer of the natural chemistry between performers and watchers.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The Russian Pacific Fleet destroyer Burny and missile cruiser Varyag visited the port of Shanghai in October 1999.

6. Special forces officers onboard the destroyer Haikou also conducted their first helicopter drill from the ship's deck at 8 am yesterday.

7. It was the world's first missile destroyer equipped with a Zeus Shield system and invisibility design.

8. Destroyer Harbin of the PLA Navy North Sea Fleet will also take part in the parade.

9. Fifteen naval attaches to China from 15 countries invited for the first time by China observed the exercise from aboard the destroyer Harbin.

10. It will be unrealistic to expect that one visit of a Chinese or Japanese navy destroyer will remove all the doubts between China and Japan.

destroyer 英英释义



1. a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship

    Synonym: guided missile destroyer

2. a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to

    e.g. a destroyer of the environment
           jealousy was his undoer
           uprooters of gravestones

    Synonym: ruiner undoer waster uprooter