
detachment [dɪˈtætʃmənt]  [dɪ'tætʃmənt] 


detachment 基本解释


名词分离,分开; 派遣; 分遣队

detachment 相关例句



1. He was unable to examine the issue with detachment.

2. The wreck was caused by the detachment of two cars from the train.

3. A detachment of ten men remained behind to guard the prisoners.

detachment 网络解释

1. 超脱:美学理论把超脱(detachment)与非功利(disinterestedness)看作识别艺术作品之为艺术--例如自主性--的惟一途径,与此相反,大众审美观忽视或拒绝对轻率(facile)介入及庸俗(vulgar)愉悦的排斥,这种排斥是偏好形式试验的基础.

2. detachment:det; 超脱

detachment 词典解释

1. 超然;冷漠;冷静;客观
    Detachment is the feeling that you have of not being personally involved in something or of having no emotional interest in it.

    e.g. ...a doctor's professional detachment...
    e.g. Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

2. 分遣队;独立小分队
    A detachment is a group of soldiers who are sent away from the main group to do a special job.

    e.g. ...a detachment of marines.

detachment 单语例句

1. The ROK has kept a small coastguard detachment on the islands since 1954 and currently they are under Seoul's control.

2. Saturday will feature a Peking Opera version of the Red Detachment of Women.


3. An official from the city environmental protection bureau's monitoring detachment said the construction violated environmental rules and regulations because it started before being officially approved.

4. The Expo division of the traffic police detachment began operations in June, with a team of 160 traffic police working at the site on a daily basis.

5. Analysts said the rapid growth was solid evidence for the end of the long detachment of China's stock market from the country's economic growth.

6. detachment的翻译

6. If life is really difficult for the officer's family, the detachment may apply for financial aid or find some other proper ways to help.

7. detachment的近义词

7. The senior official also paid a special visit to a detachment of a local special police force during his trip.

8. He was happy to hear about the process to integrate the fire control detachment center into the administrative service center.

9. Famed ballet The Red Detachment of Women is again in the limelight, but this time for a courtroom drama and story that stretches across generations.

10. A total of 30 students and parents visited the special police detachment of Xiangfan police for the first time on Thursday.

detachment 英英释义



1. the act of releasing from an attachment or connection

    Synonym: disengagement

2. coming apart

    Synonym: separation breakup

3. detachment什么意思

3. avoiding emotional involvement

    Synonym: withdrawal

4. detachment

4. a small unit of troops of special composition

5. the state of being isolated or detached

    e.g. the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel

    Synonym: insulation insularity insularism