
detect [dɪˈtekt]  [dɪˈtɛkt] 







detect 基本解释

及物动词查明,发现; 洞察; 侦察,侦查; [电子学]检波

detect 同义词


动词spy discover recognize perceive catch

detect 反义词

及物动词conceal hide

detect 相关例句



1. He was detected in the act of stealing.

2. The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.

3. I detected anger in her voice.

4. He soon detected the faulty valve.

5. A policeman detects criminals.

detect 网络解释


1. 检测:信息保障的核心思想是对系统或数据的4个方面的要求:保护(Protect)、检测(Detect)、反应(React)和恢复(Restore),即PDRR. 保密性(Confidentiality)即保护信息的内容免遭有意的、无意的或未授权的泄漏.

2. 发现:Windows Mobile Sensors API库的一个重要的功能是自动发现(detect)和判断(determine)设备类型,调用相应设备(HTC或者Samsung)上的Sensor API,并返回统一的结果.

3. 侦测:接者您可以跟据以下指示设定宽带连线:先按'型号'(Model)选择您萤幕的型号:您可以按'侦测'(Detect)自动测出萤幕的型号或自行选择. 如果列表中没有您的萤幕型号,您可以在制造商(Vendor)选一般(General),

4. 探测:这些工具在支持信息安全策略管理方面也各有自己的特点,比如PoliVec 使用四个D来描述策略自动化过程定义(Define)、探测( Detect), 展开(Deploy )和文档( Document).

detect 词典解释

1. 发现;查出;测出
    To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation.

    e.g. ...a sensitive piece of equipment used to detect radiation...
    e.g. Most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 觉察;发觉
    If you detect something, you notice it or sense it, even though it is not very obvious.

    e.g. Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face.

detect 单语例句

1. The State Forestry Bureau said last month it was activating a reporting network to detect outbreaks among wild birds.

2. detect的反义词

2. He has called for a monitoring system along the coastal line to detect problems, Zhao said.

3. detect

3. The Malaysian government announced on Monday the establishment of a canine unit comprised of two Labrador sniffer dogs to detect pirated optical discs.

4. detect

4. To encourage rural doctors to detect more active TB patients and to monitor the treatment, the Ministry of Health also announced an award programme.

5. detect的翻译

5. Langton said officials felt comfortable withdrawing the proposal because of improved sensors that can detect smoke and carbon monoxide.

6. detect的解释

6. The NFL said it would also introduce the additional use of carbon isotope ratio testing on a random basis to detect low doses of testosterone.

7. " The cash detector in the store failed to detect the fakes, " a judge surnamed Fu told China Daily.

8. Sham acupuncture is a procedure designed to prevent patients from being able to detect if needles are actually inserted at treatment points.

9. But if you look at some of the online reactions, you'll detect traces of male chauvinism and shallow nationalism.

10. Some doctors may also recommend a complete health checkup prior to pregnancy to detect hereditary deficiencies that may lead to an unhealthy pregnancy.

detect 英英释义


1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of

    e.g. She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
           We found traces of lead in the paint

    Synonym: observe find discover notice