







deteriorating 基本解释
恶化,变坏( deteriorate的现在分词 );
deteriorating 网络解释


1. 恶化的,变坏的:desirable 理想的,想要的 | deteriorating 恶化的,变坏的 | destined 命中注定的

2. 惡化:parasite寄生蟲 | deteriorating惡化 | reptile爬蟲類

3. 退化:degradation 下降 | deteriorating 退化 | soil土

4. 惡化;質量(或價值)下降;退化;墮落:eroding - 腐蝕;侵蝕;磨損 | deteriorating - 惡化;質量(或價值)下降;退化;墮落 | glaciers - 冰河

deteriorating 单语例句


1. Research conducted by the International Panel on Climate Change drives home the gravity of the situation caused by the deteriorating climate.

2. deteriorating的翻译

2. Consumers have been whipsawed by home prices, the deteriorating job market and shrinking nest eggs.

3. deteriorating

3. South African Finance Minister Trevor Manuel has called the process a " self reinforcing, deteriorating spiral ".


4. The deteriorating debt crises in the European Union and the US have carried over the heavy economic burden to 2012.

5. " The EU remains deeply concerned by the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran, " said EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton in her statement.

6. deteriorating

6. He said China attaches great importance to marine protection and keeps revving up efforts to cope with the deteriorating environment of the blue seas.

7. All this has only contributed to the chronically deteriorating security situation in the country.

8. deteriorating什么意思

8. The law also requires forestry authorities to keep wetlands from deteriorating by supplying sufficient water, prohibiting herding and closing some of the more fragile wetland areas.

9. The ecology of coastal waters around east China's Zhejiang province is constantly deteriorating, according to a survey issued by China's State Oceanic Administration.

10. The most notable facet reflecting the report's politicized human rights logic lies in its conclusion that " the human rights environment in China is deteriorating ".