
dethrone [ˌdi:ˈθrəʊn]  [ˌdi:ˈθroʊn] 






dethrone 基本解释


dethrone 相关例句


1. They dethroned the last emperor.

dethrone 网络解释

1. 废(君):detest#憎恶 | dethrone#废(君) | devastate#使荒废;破坏

2. 使离王位:deplane 下飛機 | dethrone 使離王位 | derail 使(火車)脫軌

3. 废黜:detestation 憎恶 | dethrone 废黜 | dethronement 废位

4. 使离王位derail 使(火车)脱轨:deplane 下飞机 | dethrone 使离王位derail 使(火车)脱轨 | de- == 向下、降低、减少

dethrone 词典解释

1. 废黜;罢免
    If a king, queen, or other powerful person is dethroned, they are removed from their position of power.

    e.g. He was dethroned and went into exile.

dethrone 单语例句

1. dethrone什么意思

1. The small gap led some market heavyweights to say on record that Macao could dethrone Vegas as the world's top casino city in 2005.

2. A historic season for Barcelona is likely to be enough to see Messi dethrone King Cristiano.

3. His departure opened the way for Yao Ming and the Shanghai Sharks to become the first team to dethrone the army team as league champions.

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4. His departure opened the way for Yao Ming's Shanghai Sharks to become the first team to dethrone the army team as league champions.

5. dethrone的近义词

5. Our challenge is to learn how to defend ourselves against the tactics that teams are using to try to dethrone us.

6. He came into the Tour seemingly determined to dethrone Armstrong, but his race ended in the Pyrenees.

dethrone 英英释义


1. remove a monarch from the throne

    e.g. If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned