
detract [dɪˈtrækt]  [dɪˈtrækt] 






detract 基本解释

不及物动词减损; 贬低


detract 相关例句


1. That does not detract from his merit.


1. The scandal will not detract from his fame.

detract 网络解释

1. 减损,责难:deter 防止 | detract 减损,责难 | detrimental 有害,伤害的

2. 贬低:detergent使干净的 | detract贬低 | diagnosis诊断

3. 转移:deterioration 腐烂 | detract 转移 | devise vt. 设计,发明,图谋,做出(计划),想出(办法),遗赠给

4. 降低:detour 迂回 | detract 降低 | detriment 毁损

detract 词典解释

1. 减损;诋毁;贬低
    If one thing detracts from another, it makes it seem less good or impressive.

    e.g. The publicity could detract from our election campaign.

detract 单语例句

1. detract的解释

1. No noise from the outside should detract the country from its determined efforts to defend its maritime sovereignty and interests.

2. Though Fink's team can comply with stricter deadlines, he said the increased pressure for results can detract from the final product.

3. I just hope it was the right thing to do to speak about it because I don't want this to detract from this event.

4. Many experts say they doubt those projects will detract from the country's commitment to achieve growth in a more efficient manner.

5. But the small size of this specific budgetary fund does not detract from the importance of such government expenditure.

6. detract的反义词

6. Beijing has some truly magnificent tourist sights that minor criticism shouldn't detract from.

7. Truss said he also did not believe that bilateral FTAs necessarily detract from the global trading regime.

8. But nothing should detract from justice as the paramount value in jurisprudence.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Colbert attempted to " detract from the serious candidates on the ballot, " said council member Waring Howe.

10. detract

10. The lake is still water, but that doesn't detract from its pristine beaut.

detract 英英释义



1. take away a part from

    e.g. His bad manners detract from his good character

    Synonym: take away