1. 货币贬值:下文中将就通货膨胀的定义、成因、影响以及抑制措施进行介绍,请广大口译考生在理解的基础上,牢记相关单词; 通货膨胀(Inflation)是指纸币的发行量超过商品流通中所需要的货币量而引起的货币贬值(Devaluation)、物价上涨的状况,是纸币
2. 法定贬值:逆差时,实行货币法定贬值(Devaluation顺差时,实行货币法定升值(Revaluation)外力压迫下,出口减少,进口增加. 1973年春固定汇率制(Fixed Exchange Rate System)变为浮动汇率制
3. 贬值;货币贬值:Deutsche Bank AG德國銀行 | devaluation貶值;貨幣貶值 | Development Bank of Singapore Ltd.新加坡發展銀行
1. The major problem in the world capital market was the excessive amount of US dollars, which has led to its devaluation.
2. Financial institutions were forced to announce massive writedowns and asset devaluation, encroaching upon capital adequacy ratio.
3. The rapid devaluation of US dollars sharpened the speculations of international capital into the crude oil and other commodity markets.
4. Devaluation renders exports more competitive, thus substituting external demand for the domestic demand that is being compressed.
5. " Nations should join hands to object to competitive devaluation of the reserve currencies, " he said.
6. They recognized the " adverse implications " of volatile financial flows and exchange rates for economic stability, reaffirmed their commitment to refrain from competitive devaluation.
7. Seen in this light, the criticism against the yuan's devaluation runs counter to facts.
8. The crux of the issue lies in the vicious cycle of asset devaluation that is making it progressively difficult for banks to make fresh loans.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. Many Internet users said they would not visit Japan even if the currency devaluation makes the deal good value.
10. That was the case during the 1997 Asian financial crisis, when worries about a Chinese currency devaluation were rampant.
1. the reduction of something's value or worth
2. an official lowering of a nation's currency
a decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to that of foreign countries