
developed [dɪˈveləpt]  [dɪˈvɛləpt] 




developed 基本解释
developed 相关例句


1. The program is sponsored by several developed countries.

2. This is a well developed plan.

developed 网络解释

1. 发展:加纳的立法将民间文学界定为所有属于加纳的文化遗产(cultural heritage)的文学、艺术和科学作品,这些文化遗产由加纳的种群(ethnic communities)或未经确认的(unidentified)加纳作者所创作(created)、保存(preserved)和发展(developed).

2. 成熟的:如此称呼'轮胎战争',是我们非常乐意(welcome)看到的情况,当我们能够展现我们技术上的能耐,在一个竞争的(competitive)环境里,新的轮胎限制,是透过成熟的(developed)基础,参与 MotoGP 的三个进一个更均等的游戏平台(playing field)及更棒的竞争,

developed 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year's end.

2. Meanwhile, the practice of smuggling such workers has developed into a local business.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. It has developed inbound business and established business relations with 140 international telecom providers across the world.

4. The program was developed and delivered by the Global Entrepreneurship Research Center at the School of Management at Zhejiang University and by Said Business School.

5. But counterfeiters can put scores of domestic suppliers out of business by flooding the market with pirated copies of software these companies developed.

6. The bank launched its new wealth management business last week in China's more developed cities.

7. Chinese businesses could also buy out overseas companies, in developed and developing countries.


8. And the European debt crisis is widely seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in the developed region.

9. The surgical procedure was originally developed in Russia to help patients with legs disfigured by accidents or birth defects such as dwarfism.

10. By contrast, the same rates in Western developed countries are something between 8 percent and 10 percent.

developed 英英释义


1. being changed over time so as to be e.g. stronger or more complete or more useful

    e.g. the developed qualities of the Hellenic outlook
           they have very small limbs with only two fully developed toes on each

2. (of real estate) made more useful and profitable as by building or laying out roads

    e.g. condominiums were built on the developed site

3. (used of societies) having high industrial development

    e.g. developed countries

    Synonym: highly-developed