
deviations [di:v'ɪeɪʃnz]  [di:v'ɪeɪʃnz] 


deviations 基本解释
背离,偏离( deviation的名词复数 );离经叛道的行为;
deviations 网络解释


1. 差异:design of experiment 试验设计 | deviations 差异 | diagnostic 诊断

2. 离差:Slutsky equation 斯勒茨基方程 | deviations 离差 | spread 离散

deviations 单语例句

1. The policies will also help resolve some misunderstandings of and conceptual deviations from the true conditions of the property market.


2. These are all subtle deviations from the stereotype of a hero, who is supposed to be totally selfless and courageous.

3. There have been zigzags in the exploration to realize this democracy in Mao's mind, and there were even deviations from that goal when efficiency was emphasized.

4. " Neutrality " of taxation of the financial sector in this sense is a benchmark against which deviations from this objective may be measured and judged.

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5. Deviations from the rules were to be reported to the CIA inspector general and the Justice Department.

6. The Bloomberg US Financial Conditions Index is still about five standard deviations below the average of the 1992 to 2008 period.

7. Furthermore, the index has never fallen out of two standard deviations in 40 years.

8. The errors of the " cultural revolution " and the earlier " Leftist " deviations have been rectified, and the focus has been shifted to modernization.

9. deviations的解释

9. He said there were " no big deviations " from the expected agenda.

10. But it is worrying that the Vietnamese economy at present has serious deviations in industrial consumption structures.