
devolution [ˌdi:vəˈlu:ʃn]  [ˌdevəˈlu:ʃn] 

devolution 基本解释


名词转移; 移交,授权; 授权代理

devolution 网络解释

1. 权力下放:这个重要原则的提出也推动了各国中央政府的权力下放(Devolution). 上述的客观条件使得欧洲地区各种形式的民族主义思潮抬头,对多民族国家中民族分离主义运动起到了刺激作用. 虽然苏格兰已日渐成为一个政治实体了,

2. 转移:三是转移(Devolution),把责任、财产和权利多方位向下转移. 第二种框架由中央拟定有革新精神的工作蓝图(Map)交与地方,地方机构在内容选取上自主,有其决策空间(Decisionspace)可供. 菲律宾地方机构在上最宽,加纳最窄,其余两国居间.

devolution 词典解释

1. (中央机构或政府的)权力下放
    Devolution is the transfer of some authority or power from a central organization or government to smaller organizations or government departments.

    e.g. ...the devolution of power to the regions...
    e.g. We are talking about devolution for Scotland.

devolution 单语例句

1. The goal of devolution is to increase the voice of all Kenyans in their government.

2. It is considered by industrial insiders as the total devolution of key energy pricing from the central government to the market.

3. He said the devolution process also means people in all of Kenya will gain power and the chance to make decisions for themselves.

4. devolution

4. He says the devolution process also means people in all of Kenya will gain power and the chance to make decisions for themselves.

5. devolution

5. Devolution of further powers and " full normality " have been tabled and are being argued about as you read.

devolution 英英释义



1. the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government)

    Synonym: devolvement

2. the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality

    Synonym: degeneration