
devour [dɪˈvaʊə(r)]  [dɪˈvaʊr] 






devour 基本解释

及物动词狼吞虎咽地吃光; 吞没,毁灭; 全神贯注地看

devour 相关例句



1. The fire devoured the forest.

2. The hungry boy devoured his dinner.

3. The flames soon devoured the entire building.

4. He devoured the novel he had bought.

5. He was devoured by guilt.

devour 网络解释


1. 吞噬:3年前詹森.埃寇斯就有部极小成本,直接发行DVD的恐怖片<<吞噬>>(Devour)问世,而今次再遭电影惊吓,就已经升级到狮门公司大制作的3D恐怖片了,也算是对其人气在近几年急升的一种回报.

2. 吃:用一些特殊的指令消灭敌人也不得EXP,如卡片(Card)和吃(Devour)这两个指令. 情况2:用卡片(Card)或吃(Devour)消灭敌人 (无--EXP(经验值)、有--AP(技能点) 、有--物品掉落)4.利用吞食/吃(Devour)的指令④利用吞食/吃(Devour)的指令:

devour 词典解释

1. 狼吞虎咽地吃;吞食
    If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly.

    e.g. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day...
    e.g. She devoured half an apple pie.

2. 如饥似渴地阅读;热切地看
    If you devour a book or magazine, for example, you read it quickly and with great enthusiasm.

    e.g. She began devouring newspapers when she was only 12.
           年仅 12 岁时,她就开始如饥似渴地阅读报纸。

devour 单语例句

1. They immediately set about covering the table with fresh vegetables, which I eagerly devour.

2. The demon used to kill and devour children in the ancient city.

3. While Grace is still shy around strangers, she'll happily devour Chinese food.

4. An early experiment on this predator mite in 1997 indicated that it could be trained to devour the mites pestering bamboos.

5. They threw rice wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river to feed aquatic life so that they do not devour the body of Qu Yuan.

6. devour的反义词

6. And the plastic gloves used to devour a greasy chicken wing or two are another great innovation.

7. Many heavy industries devour huge amounts of energy and resources, but they are also a major source of local fiscal revenue.

8. For hundreds of years there have been rumors that mysterious creatures that devour livestock live in the lake.

9. I bought the cakes I have loved to devour since my childhood - but at discount prices.

10. The moon's rough edge will bite into Venus'slender sliver and rapidly devour it.

devour 英英释义



1. eat greedily

    e.g. he devoured three sandwiches

    Synonym: guttle raven pig

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. eat immoderately

    e.g. Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

    Synonym: down consume go through

3. destroy completely

    e.g. Fire had devoured our home

4. devour的意思

4. enjoy avidly

    e.g. She devoured his novels