
differentiation [ˌdɪfəˌrenʃɪ'eɪʃn]  [ˌdɪfəˌrɛnʃiˈeʃən] 

differentiation 基本解释


名词区别,分化; 分异; 衍进; 求导数

differentiation 网络解释

1. 微分:比例,积分,微分的线性组合,构成控制量 u(t) ,称为:比例 (Proportional) 、积分 (Integrating) 、微分 (Differentiation) 控制,简称 PID 控制图 1 控制器公式 在实际应用中,可以根据受控对象的特性和控制的性能要求,灵活地采用不同的控制组合,构成

2. 差别化:但是无论怎么发展,品牌的性质不变,差别化(differentiation)的要求不变. 品牌可以成为在全球受保护的核心竞争力. (二)追求品牌唯一性是信息爆炸决定的. 现代信息铺天盖地,过度传播使注意力成为稀有资源,有限的大脑难以承受过度的信息,

differentiation 单语例句

1. In research published in the Cell Death and Differentiation journal on Sunday, the scientists tested NGF in rats and got promising results.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. " This social differentiation is inevitable in China because of economic development, " he said.

3. differentiation什么意思

3. In this second article of the " value capture trilogy " I listed 5 working points for a company that wants to capture more value with differentiation.

4. A simple and primitive price war will continue, while competition in service differentiation will gradually gain attention from enterprises.

5. Dou urged regulators to relax approvals for fund products so that companies can have more choices and avenues for differentiation.

6. The pinstripe lining and the stylish lock offers a point of differentiation, setting the pieces apart from the competition.

7. It boasts an accuracy of 94 per cent in shell case identification and 90 per cent in bullet differentiation.

8. Sustainable buildings offer a significant solution - both in terms of the need for market differentiation and greater energy efficiency.

9. differentiation

9. Actions such as product differentiation are widely used as a movement to show the company or the offer different from the competitors.

10. The regional differentiation will remain when the yuan slowly goes up and even goes through some fluctuations.

differentiation 英英释义


1. the mathematical process of obtaining the derivative of a function

2. a discrimination between things as different and distinct

    e.g. it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation

    Synonym: distinction

3. danci.911cha.com

3. (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function

    e.g. cell differentiation in the developing embryo

    Synonym: specialization specialisation