dig over

dig over [diɡ ˈəuvə]  [dɪɡ ˈovɚ] 

dig over 基本解释
dig over 网络解释

1. 重新考虑:dig out 发现 | dig over 重新考虑 | dig up the hatchet 开战

dig over 双语例句

1. As soon as in looked at that past villagers to arrive at the spring plowing sowing season, that book was buys the water season, the villagers must run up to outside over a hundred mile road's places to dig the ditch pilot.


2. The sons carefully dig over every portion of their land.

3. When i keep trying and tryingover and over it's because inside somewhere i know that i can do it, ifeel that i can do it and i just have to reach down deep inside andjust dig real deep i know i can find that moment of onese..where i canconnect with de rocks to do it that's de struggle just to find urself.

4. Seeing what happened, the old farmer went over to investigate, He then proceeded to dig a hole and buty the politicians.

5. A man had a beautiful garden and flower beds, and all kinds of nice things that he planted in his garden. But there was one problem. His neighbor always let his chickens loose, and they ran over to reach the garden to dig out the roots and eat the flowers and make a mess everywhere.

6. His neighbor always let his chickens loose, and they ran over to reach the garden to dig out the roots and eat the flowers and make a mess everywhere.


7. I'll dig over my conclusions.

8. I`d like some time to dig over the problem.


9. What I don`t dig over there is the British money.

dig over的翻译

10. This year it is set to dig up over 300m tonnes, nearly 30% of global supplies.

11. Yes, his dig is expanding, crossing over many of my own tunnels.

dig over的翻译

12. When it's over, they dig a hole in the ground, put you in it, print your picture in the newspaper and write some nice things about you, and then life goes on for everyone else but you.

13. Then Cain began at once to dig the ground wherein to lay his brother; for he was trembling from the fear that came over him, when he saw the earth tremble on his account.

14. You'll need to dig those young trees in a bit deeper, unless you want the wind to biow them over.

15. The shoulders must slope, and should not meet over the backbone - at least two finger widths should separate the two shoulder blades, otherwise how could the Bedlington dig?

16. Maybe the sharpest dig came from comedian Stephen Colbert. He riffed on Goldman's once strong position in Washington, where many of its former executives have taken on powerful jobs over the years.

dig over什么意思

17. Are you able to dig the whole garden over before winter?

18. In my bunk with Nicklin's laptop, lingering over his dig ital portraits of the curious calf, I thought I could read, in its strange visage, a gargantuan impishness.

19. I remember every time after class when I returned to the village, there was a row of earth and I would dig repeatedly. Over and over I would dig, day after day.

20. Once upon a time there was a Miser who used to hide his gold at the foot of a tree in his garden; but every week he used to go and dig it up and gloat over his gains.