1. 数字化:因为其简易使用与低价位,Rhino 是许多动画或影像计算软件的最佳伙伴模型建构工具,例如 CAD、CAM、3D 点资料数字化(digitizing)、快速成型(rapid prototyping)、3D彩绘(paint)、游戏发展、VR 建构工具等.
2. 数位化:design 设计 | digitizing 数位化 | disk 磁碟
3. 数字化,矢量要素输入计算机:DGN 一种CAD数据文件格式 | Digitizing 数字化,矢量要素输入计算机 | Dimension 相对距离注记
4. 数字化.LYm电子资料网:Diffusion Layer扩散层.LYm电子资料网 | Digitizing数字化.LYm电子资料网 | Dihedral Angle双反斜角.LYm电子资料网
1. He suggested archiving and digitizing Buddhist literature for easy distribution and storage.
2. The digitizing deal has divided the tech, publishing and antitrust worlds.
3. digitizing的意思
3. Whether or not digitizing is a threat to book culture, the cyber world is a reality.