
dignitary [ˈdɪgnɪtəri]  [ˈdɪgnɪteri] 



dignitary 基本解释


名词高僧; 高官; 显要人物

形容词权贵的; 高官的

dignitary 网络解释


1. 要人:蓝普敦并未在该篇文章中明指这名台湾要人(dignitary)是谁,不过台湾去年参加APEC会议的代表是中研院院长李远哲,李远哲此时也正在曼谷参加今年度APEC领袖级会议.

2. 权贵:dignify 使尊荣 | dignitary 权贵 | dignity 尊严

3. 显要人物:149. dietician: 营养学家. | 150. dignitary: 显要人物. | 151. dilettante: 半瓶醋,业余爱好者.

4. 高官:dignifyennoble 使高贵 | dignitary 高官 | dignitary 高贵的人

dignitary 词典解释

1. dignitary在线翻译

1. (政府或教会的)高官,显要,要员
    Dignitaries are people who are considered to be important because they have a high rank in government or in the Church.

dignitary 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Wen was the first Chinese leader and the sixth foreign dignitary to address a joint session of Pakistan's parliament.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. And he was pleased when a visiting Canadian dignitary specifically requested the presence of a China Daily reporter at a press conference.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. " There's no doubt that APEC is the largest dignitary protection event we have ever hosted, " said Ruddock.

dignitary 英英释义


1. an important or influential (and often overbearing) person

    Synonym: very important person VIP high-up panjandrum high muckamuck