
dino ['di:nəʊ]  ['di:noʊ] 

dino 基本解释
dino 网络解释


1. 恐龙:玩了一下,这游戏连NBA的版权也没得到,队伍的名字都只能叫多伦多恐龙(DINO)什么的,惨啊...............

2. 迪诺:(丰原里美) 迪诺(Dino)声优:镰苅健太(前期)/KENN (后期) 风太(Futa)声优:三瓶由布子 dnf天神官网1.35种(Kakimoto Chikusa)声优:丰永利行 城岛犬(Joushima Ken)声优:内藤玲 沢田家光(Sawada Iemitsu)声优:岩崎征实 XANXUS 声优:池田政典 斯贝尔比.斯夸罗(Superbia Squalo)声优:高桥广树 贝尔菲戈尔(Belphegor)声优:藤原佑规

3. 迪诺(意大利法拉利公司):Dim 迪姆(希腊迪姆汽车公司) | Dino 迪诺(意大利法拉利公司) | Diplomata 外交家(巴西通用汽车公司)

dino 单语例句

1. Dino Beach is the biggest manmade beach in Shanghai, and is perhaps the best places to play in water.

2. She and Republican Dino Rossi won Tuesday's primary to advance to the November election.

3. dino的近义词

3. Gregoire beat Republican Dino Rossi in a rematch of their historically close 2004 election.

4. dino

4. An added bonus is that the water is much cleaner than Dino Park.

5. dino

5. This summer's live music festival hits Dino Beach on June 29.

6. dino的意思

6. Dino said that the Singaporean foreign minister had already visited Tokyo and Beijing before arriving in Jakarta.

7. dino

7. Massa's personal physician Dino Altman said on Saturday that the driver's condition was continuing to improve.

8. The trade volume between the two countries has exceeded $ 30 billion, according to Dino.