
directness [dəˈrektnəs]  [dəˈrektnəs] 

directness 基本解释


directness 网络解释

1. 直接:如果要用两个词确定它最显著的品质,它们就是厚重(concreteness)与直接(directness). 并且只要把霍布斯的译文同19世纪的译文(如周厄提的)对比,就很容易发现,后来的译文变得多么诘屈聱牙、软弱无力,却带着满纸学究气.

2. 直率:Coaching Technique:低则主攻体能,高则主攻技术; | Directness:直率; | Discipline:批评的猛烈程度,注意不是批评的艺术性;

3. 笔直:directly 直接 | directness 笔直 | Directoire 执政内阁

4. 直传:Depth 防守? | Directness 直传? | Flamboyancy (这个不知道......)

directness 单语例句

1. I praised them for speaking up and told them their unusual directness and straightforward candor was a call for celebration.

2. I was impressed by their hospitality and even more impressed with their directness.

3. He is known for his bravery and directness, as well as his strong desire to pursue truth.

directness 英英释义


1. the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

    Synonym: candor candour candidness frankness forthrightness

2. directness的翻译

2. trueness of course toward a goal

    e.g. rivaling a hawk in directness of aim

    Synonym: straightness