
disablement [dɪsˈeɪblmənt]  [dɪsˈeɪblmənt] 

disablement 基本解释



disablement 网络解释

1. 无力化:disabled 伤残的 | disablement 无力化 | disabler 致残之物

2. 致残疾; 残疾; 无能:Disabled Women's International;国际残疾妇女组织;; | disablement;致残疾; 残疾; 无能;; | disabling;致残疾;;

3. 残疾:cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 | disablement 残疾 | dysarthria 构音障碍

disablement 词典解释

1. 残废;伤残;丧失能力
    Disablement is the state of being disabled or the experience of becoming disabled.

    e.g. ...permanent total disablement resulting in inability to work.

disablement 单语例句

1. Hill said he would go to Yongbyon to see how the disablement is progressing.

2. Once the disablement process is set in motion, some key components and parts will be dismantled or even shipped out of the DPRK.

3. The top US envoy to South Korea reaffirmed Wednesday that Washington hoped to complete the disablement of the DPRK's nuclear facilities in 2007.

4. " The disablement activities are going well and on schedule, " Hill told reporters before leaving Pyongyang and heading to Beijing.

5. However, the DPRK missed the deadline despite reported progress in its nuclear disablement and declaration.

6. disablement的翻译

6. In recent bilateral talks with the US, the North promised to complete the disablement by year's end.

7. disablement是什么意思

7. Wu had visited the DPRK in the middle of last month to inspect the disablement process.

8. McCormack also said the DPRK would also resume disablement of its nuclear facilities.

9. disablement的意思

9. The DPRK will work to complete the disablement of the Yongbyon nuclear facilities by the end of October 2008.

10. Wu also inspected the process of disablement of nuclear facilities in Yongbyon.

disablement 英英释义


1. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness

    e.g. reading disability
           hearing impairment

    Synonym: disability handicap impairment