





disagreed 基本解释
不同意( disagree的过去式和过去分词 );有害健康;不适合;不符;
disagreed 网络解释


1. 不同意:determined by a majority of votes以多数票取决 | disagreed不同意 | disclose an interest公开利益关系;申报利益

2. 不同意;提出异议:determined by a majority of votes以多数票取决 | disagreed不同意;提出异议 | disclosed an interest公开利益关系

disagreed 单语例句

1. However, a salesman at an unspecified shop disagreed by pointing out the weight of 380 kg.

2. He said he disagreed with the use of a noun and an adjective in one definition.

3. New Oriental Wednesday expressed a wish to accept court conciliation but ETS disagreed.

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4. He disagreed with suggestions it was too late already for the authority to tackle the prolonged controversy over high fees trustees charge MPF subscribers.

5. He has previously been diagnosed with " moderate dementia ", while doctors have disagreed over whether or not he is fit for trial.

6. Chen told a Hunan newspaper on Tuesday that he had no objection to this resolution, but he still disagreed with the development plan for Yunxi.

7. disagreed什么意思

7. Online comments show those who disagreed with the dismissal of the officials thought the railway officers were just showing they were sympathetic to the passengers.

8. Zheng and many other Chinese archaeologists disagreed, saying their research had uncovered traces of the domestication process in many Hemudu sites.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Although 74 per cent of respondents said their partners earned more, 75 per cent disagreed that whoever holds the money holds the power in the relationship.

10. Retired triple world champion Jackie Stewart disagreed and said the FIA had " no business " telling teams how much to spend.