
disc [dɪsk]  [dɪsk] 


disc 基本解释

名词圆盘; 磁盘; 唱片

disc 网络解释

1. 阀瓣:主要从事:1.材料,零、部件采购1.1用于各工业领域的各种类型、规格、材质阀门主要零件铸件专业提供电力、冶金、石油化工工业阀门主要零件阀体(Body)、阀瓣(Disc)、摇杆(DiscArm).

2. 盘:下面是关于光盘(Disc)的,依次为光盘类型(Type,分为音乐光盘和数据光盘)和光盘容量长度(Length右边方框内,上方为寻道时间(Seek times),分别为:随机(Random)、1/3和全部(Full).

3. 磁盘:本发明是有关为了防止DVD播放器的激光暴露在用户眼前,在DVD播放器的初始动作过程,增加利用CD激光的磁盘(disc)存在与否的确认步骤的DVD播放器初始动作方法的发明.

4. disc:disconnection; 断开

5. disc:digital international switching center; 国际数字交换中心

6. disc:disabled infection single cycle; 单感染周期

7. disc:deformation induced in-situ composite; 内生复合钢板

disc 词典解释
The spelling disk is also used in American English, mainly for meaning 1. 美国英语中亦拼作disk,主要用于义项1。

1. 圆盘状物;圆盘形状
    A disc is a flat, circular shape or object.

    e.g. Most shredding machines are based on a revolving disc fitted with replaceable blades.

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2. 椎间盘
    A disc is one of the thin, circular pieces of cartilage which separates the bones in your back.

    e.g. I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain.

3. disc的反义词

3. 唱片
    A disc is a record that you play on a record player.

    e.g. This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor.
           这张唱片包括了 C小调的钢琴奏鸣曲。

4. see also: disk;compact disc;slipped disc

disc 单语例句

1. The quality of their work is more reliable than the hack job provided by disc counterfeiters.

2. The ligaments surrounding the disc had an eight millimeter tear and during surgery we discovered fragments of the disc had travelled into the spine canal.

3. Why clog up the hard disc's arteries with media I will never watch again?

4. Laser disc players use lasers to accurately read or write marks on a reflective, coated plastic disc.

5. It is white in color with a deep red disc in the center.

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6. It also comes with a pulsating buzzer alarm with adjustable volume and tone, and a powerful vibrating disc that slips under the pillow.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The combined disc production by Taiwan and the Chinese mainland accounts up to about 80 percent of the world market.

8. Employees of the program are working on a compact disc that will include educational songs and lectures recorded in plain language.

9. It will be the first time the first four Beatles albums will be available in stereo in their entirety on compact disc.

10. Just because it's free doesn't mean lots of people won't pay for the compact disc.

disc 英英释义


1. a flat circular plate

    Synonym: disk

2. disc

2. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored

    Synonym: magnetic disk magnetic disc disk

3. sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove
    used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove

    Synonym: phonograph record phonograph recording record disk platter

4. disc的近义词

4. something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate

    e.g. the moon's disk hung in a cloudless sky

    Synonym: disk saucer