
discomfort [dɪsˈkʌmfət]  [dɪsˈkʌmfərt] 


discomfort 基本解释

名词不安; 不舒适,不舒服; 不方便; 苦恼

及物动词使…不舒服; 使…不安; 使苦恼; 使不便

discomfort 同义词

动词perturb trouble upset bother disturb distress

discomfort 反义词


discomfort 相关例句


1. She was discomforted by a bad cold.


1. She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke.

2. She suffered great discomfort because her shoes were too tight.

discomfort 网络解释


1. 不舒适:不舒适(discomfort)是指个体身心不健全或有缺陷,生理、心理需要不能全部满足,或周围环境有不良刺激、身体出现病理现象,身心负荷过重的一种自我感觉.

2. 不舒服:discipline 纪律 | discomfort 不舒服 | discontent 不满足

3. 不舒适,不快:discomfit 挫败,使困惑 | discomfort 不舒适,不快 | disconnect 使分离

4. 不愉快感; 不舒适感:discharging 排放; 排出 | discomfort 不愉快感; 不舒适感 | discrete sampling 离散抽样; 分立取样; 非连续取样

discomfort 词典解释

1. 不舒服;不适
    Discomfort is a painful feeling in part of your body when you have been hurt slightly or when you have been uncomfortable for a long time.

    e.g. She carried her left arm at an awkward angle, as if it were causing her discomfort...
    e.g. Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain.

2. 尴尬;惭愧;窘迫
    Discomfort is a feeling of worry caused by shame or embarrassment.

    e.g. He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion...
    e.g. She hears the discomfort in his voice.

3. 使人感到不舒服的事情
    Discomforts are conditions which cause you to feel physically uncomfortable.

    e.g. ...the discomforts of camping.
    e.g. ...reducing the physical discomforts and difficulties faced by women.

discomfort 单语例句

1. She said Johnson did not appear to have overexerted himself at practice didn't complain of any discomfort before he collapsed.

2. discomfort的反义词

2. Liu's relatives said he was deaf and mute and were apparently too weak from hunger and thirst to complain of any discomfort.

3. From time to time, people escaped from the crowd because of the discomfort caused by the heat and congestion.

4. Sandstorms can cause eye discomfort and conventional glasses are better than contact lens in such weather.

5. He sought medical advice after experiencing discomfort in the days that followed.

6. It is also said to offer less discomfort for patients compared to other systems, whilst having unique applications in small intestinal diagnosis usage.

7. " I endured some discomfort over the past few days, " Zhao said.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. We soon discovered that our jobs weren't as easy as seemed on the brochures and the searing sun each day only added to our discomfort.

9. discomfort的解释

9. The newly established joint patrol mechanism could have aggravated their discomfort because they feel it would eventually undermine their influence.

10. Though she used to wear her contacts every day, she has had to reduce the amount because of the discomfort they cause her eyes.

discomfort 英英释义


1. an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress

    Synonym: soreness irritation

2. the state of being tense and feeling pain

    Synonym: uncomfortableness