
discontentment [ˌdɪskən'tentmənt]  [ˌdɪskən'tentmənt] 

discontentment 基本解释


discontentment 相关例句



1. The manager was afraid that workers' discontentment with the new policy may affect the product quality.

discontentment 网络解释

1. 不满:政府信任度再度下滑(Pew查中,询问受访者究竟政府是麻烦(a problem)还是解方(a solution),受不信任政府的原因中,政府的绩效一项与民众的不满(discontentment)显特别需要指出的是,

2. 不满意:discontentedness 不满意 | discontentment 不满意 | discontinuity layer 不连续层

3. 不满足:discontentedness 不满足 | discontentment 不满足 | discontinuity layer 不连续层

4. 不满/不平:discontentedly /不满地/ | discontentment /不满/不平/ | discontiguous /不接触的/

discontentment 单语例句

1. discontentment是什么意思

1. China on Friday expressed strong discontentment at Noda's remarks, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei saying that it " sabotages China's territorial sovereignty ".

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2. This figure exacerbated the public's worries and discontentment, even though the government has moved recently to cool the overheated property market.

3. discontentment的解释

3. The public has showed increasing discontentment with continuous protests, which have even devolved into riots.

4. If the prices were to rise higher because of the yuan's revaluation they might spread public discontentment further and aggravate the social contradictions.

discontentment 英英释义


1. a longing for something better than the present situation

    Synonym: discontent discontentedness