discount rate

discount rate [ˈdiskaunt reit]  [ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt ret] 

discount rate 基本解释

discount rate什么意思


discount rate 网络解释

discount rate是什么意思

1. 折现率:该过程将一个未来值以一个折现率加以缩减, 折现率应恰当 地体现利率.例如,如果某人许诺 2 年后给你 121 美元.当时,正常的利率或贴现率是年率 10%.据此我们可以计算这门 1 美元的现值.所用的折扣因子是(110).用以折现未来 收人的折扣因子或曰比率称为折现率(discount rate).

2. 折扣率:优先股通常拥有优先于普通股的股利、清算、回购、投票等权利,股权投资人是公司的股东,有权投票决定董事会成员,决定公司未来融资或并购交易,等. a. 价格折扣率(Discount Rate)b. 认股权证比例(Warrant Coverage)

3. 贴现利率:8月17日纽约时间晨8时许,美联储终于宣布将再贴现利率(discount rate)从6.25%下调至5.75%. 银行可以以这一利率向美联储敞开作抵押借款. 虽然更为重要的联邦基金利率(同业折借利率)仍保持在5.25%不变,但美联储此举无疑给市场注入了急缺的信心.

discount rate 单语例句

1. The NDF discount rate does not affect the yuan's actual value.

2. discount rate是什么意思

2. CLP's customers could enjoy the rate cut starting in October, while HEC's customers should see their discount start in January 2009.

3. discount rate是什么意思

3. Compared with common consumers, the holder of this credit card can enjoy a higher discount rate.

4. discount rate

4. The credit carries an interest rate at a 10 percent discount to the prime lending rate to the most creditworthy borrowers.

5. discount rate的翻译

5. Major stocks rebounded after the Federal Reserve cut the discount rate it charges on direct loans to banks on August 17.

6. Representatives of HSBC said the company was offering mortgage interest rate discount of up to 15 percent.

7. Banks in China could previously only offer interest rate discount of up to 15 percent to mortgage customers.

8. The report also attributed the price rise to the reduced discount rate and upgraded quality of some projects.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Under the rules, the lowest discount possible is 55 per cent off the standard rate.

10. As the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the US dollar, the HKMA also cut the base rate at the discount window following the Fed did.

discount rate 英英释义



1. interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan

    Synonym: discount bank discount

2. the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System