
discouraged [dɪs'kʌrɪdʒd]  [dɪsˈkə:ɪdʒd] 





discouraged 基本解释

形容词气馁的; 泄气的; 沮丧的; 灰心的

动词劝阻; 使气馁( discourage的过去式和过去分词 ); 使沮丧; 阻碍

discouraged 网络解释

1. 气馁的:Interrnational Solidarity fund 国际团结基金会 | discouraged 气馁的 | jump to 赶快, 立即

2. 一般用语:-一直不断地说胃痛和头痛 incessant complaints of stomach pains and | -一般用语 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, | -喜欢小题大做的 fussy

3. 泄气的;失去信心的:disappointed失望的 | discouraged泄气的;失去信心的 | distant远的;稀疏的

4. 感到沮丧的:discouraging 令人沮丧的 | discouraged 感到沮丧的 | disappointing 令人失望的

discouraged 单语例句

1. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

2. But all the three banks denied the report then and Guo now again discouraged the rumor of CCB's investment in Standard Chartered.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The central government also has said it wants an end to local restrictions that until recently have discouraged purchases of compact cars.

4. Successful efforts to curb the deficit always require active, engaged presidential leadership but Obama's unwillingness to thus far take chances has deficit hawks discouraged.

5. That solution will definitely include more substantial efforts to remove the bridles that have long discouraged Chinese consumers from loosening their purse strings.

6. Less than 40 hospitals had the device equipped after dissenting voices became stronger and discouraged the government from installing more.

7. But Purser became discouraged, thinking the tribe was moving too slow.

8. He noted noting unemployment is close to 10 percent and almost 17 percent when including discouraged workers or partially employed ones.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The banking regulators have discouraged banks to lend to companies in sectors that are heavy consumers of energy and resources and that pollute the environment.

10. Japan's retail sales dropped for the first time in 14 months in September as tumbling stocks and stagnant wages discouraged households from spending.

discouraged 英英释义



1. discouraged是什么意思

1. made less hopeful or enthusiastic

    e.g. desperate demoralized people looking for work
           felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem
           the disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest

    Synonym: demoralized demoralised disheartened

2. lacking in resolution

    e.g. the accident left others discouraged about going there