
discreet [dɪˈskri:t]  [dɪˈskrit] 

discreet 基本解释


形容词持重; 小心的; 谨慎的,慎重的; 考虑周到的

discreet 同义词

形容词cautious considerate thoughtful circumspect prudent careful

discreet 反义词


形容词indiscreet rash

discreet 相关例句



1. It was a discreet apartment in a quiet street.

2. He made a discreet reply.

3. My secretary is very discreet. She never tells anyone unconcerned anything about the company's business.

discreet 网络解释

1. 谨慎:由此,这个我们--尽管它简单(simple)、谨慎(discreet)且被抹除(effaced)--把所谓存在问题的形式结构置于形而上学的视域之内,把在更广泛的意义上,把它置于在印欧语系的语言环境之中--印欧语言的可能性,与形而上学的起源,有着本质的关联.

2. (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的:disciplined 守纪律的 | discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 | dutiful 尽职的

3. (在行动、说话等方面)谨慎的:disciplined 守纪律的 | discreet (在行动、说话等方面)谨慎的 | dutiful 尽职的

4. 言行谨慎,小心的:discredit 怀疑,不信任 | discreet 言行谨慎,小心的 | discrepancy 矛盾,不同

discreet 词典解释

1. discreet的解释

1. (言行)谨慎的,考虑周到的
    If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone.

    e.g. They were gossipy and not always discreet...
    e.g. He followed at a discreet distance.

I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.

2. 言语谨慎的
    If you are discreet about something you are doing, you do not tell other people about it, in order to avoid being embarrassed or to gain an advantage.

    e.g. We were very discreet about the romance...
    e.g. She's making a few discreet inquiries with her mother's friends.

Everyone tried discreetly to find out more about him.

3. 不显眼的;朴素的;少的;小的
    If you describe something as discreet, you approve of it because it is small in size or degree, or not easily noticed.

    e.g. She wore discreet jewellery.

...stately houses, discreetly hidden behind great avenues of sturdy trees...
The two rooms were relatively small and discreetly lit.
discreet 单语例句

1. discreet的翻译

1. Forget the quintessential image of the British butler as the epitome of discreet decorum.

2. There are small and discreet carnivorous plants growing on the ground in litters of pine needles.

3. discreet的解释

3. Including small and discreet carnivorous plants growing in the litter of pine needles.

4. Though the portions are small, there is a quick turnaround of dishes by the deft hands of the discreet waiters.

5. Such behaviour is in direct contrast to its discreet demeanour during the 1994 phase of the nuclear imbroglio.

6. Li said the CPC Central Committee made the decision after discreet consideration and based on current circumstances and the overall situation.

7. " The female suspects tend to be more discreet, " Chen said.

8. My father was the master of ceremonies when it came to gift giving, or rather giving and receiving a gift in a discreet and quiet manner.

9. Keep conversations with traveling companions quiet and discreet - you don't want everyone on the bus to be involuntarily eavesdropping.

10. discreet在线翻译

10. To add an air of mystery and intrigue to the evening, a discreet private entrance is available for an incognito getaway!

discreet 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint

    e.g. his trusted discreet aide
           a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace

2. heedful of potential consequences

    e.g. circumspect actions
           physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use
           a discreet investor

    Synonym: circumspect

3. unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic

    e.g. a discerning editor
           a discreet silence

    Synonym: discerning