
discrete [dɪˈskri:t]  [dɪˈskrit] 

discrete 基本解释

形容词分离的,不相关联的; 分立式; 非连续

discrete 网络解释


1. 离散的:此外,还允许有四种类型的因子:离散的(discrete),线性的(linear),理想的(ideal)和反理想的(antiideal). 比如在进行结合分析设计时消费者分别在六种不同的条件(cond)下进行评价,研究者需要分别进行分析并对估计参数进行比较:

2. 离散:默认微软提供三种动画控制方法:线性(Linear),离散(Discrete)和样条(Spline). 为了能够让读者快速入门动画概念,这里我暂时不细述以上三种动画控制方法,将在后文使用单独篇幅进行描述.

3. 不连续的:当活性层的厚度减小到与德布罗意(deBroglie)波长相近时,量子力学现象出现,这些薄的活性层就是量子阱,量子阱的数目可以是一个到数十个,量子阱的带隙是不连续的(Discrete),也是分离的.

4. 分立的:尽管组织继续被看成是分立的(discrete)单位,但它们被认为拥有随变化的环境--不管是技术的、政治的、交易的还是制度的--而变化的特征. 从20世纪60年代早期开始,组织研究成为在社会学内部获得承认的专业领域,学者数量迅速增加.

discrete 词典解释

1. 分离的;互不连接的;不相关的
    Discrete ideas or things are separate and distinct from each other.

    e.g. ...instruction manuals that break down jobs into scores of discrete steps.

discrete 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. He said people in the related disciplines of graph theory, discrete math and theoretical computer science also tried.

2. China has to be seen as a continuum, not as a series of discrete and unconnected eras.

3. The key is to develop a creative society rather than a series of discrete policies.

4. discrete

4. Indian officials are generally discrete in public about relations with China, but in private their concerns remain intense.

5. Given the partiality of Russians to a quick snifter, it is unsurprising that there is a history of discrete drinking in space.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. At the Gucci store in the Shanghai Times Square, over 20 different handbags were on the shelf marked with discrete sales tags.

7. White stucco and brick columns create discrete dining spaces with swishes of Mediterranean style.

8. " We're very good at policing in a friendly and a discrete way, " organizing committee leader Sebastian Coe said.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Ping Ping settled on a classmate's aunt who was pretty and discrete after visiting the classmate's home.

10. Local university authorities are giving a discrete welcome to the store sales.

discrete 英英释义



1. constituting a separate entity or part

    e.g. a government with three discrete divisions
           on two distinct occasions

    Synonym: distinct