
dislocation [ˌdɪslə'keɪʃn]  [ˌdɪsloˈkeʃən] 



dislocation 基本解释


名词[医]脱位,脱臼; [物]位错; 混乱,紊乱; [地]断层

dislocation 网络解释

1. 脱臼:膝盖(髌骨)位置不正,包括重复性的半脱臼(subluxation)及脱臼(dislocation),也可引起膝痛. 有时其外观并不明显,详细检查才可区分它们是因肌肉不对称或骨架异常所引起.

2. 脱位:四、脚趾的骨折(Fracture)和脱位(Dislocation)一、 外生骨赘(Bony outgrowth)或骨刺(Exostoses)滑囊炎是大拇趾疼痛最常见的原因之一. 形成滑囊炎的原因很多且复杂. 通常是第一骨头部先天的变形,加上患者时常穿太窄、太短或鞋跟太高的鞋子而造成大拇趾边缘的滑囊开始发炎,

dislocation 词典解释

1. (制度、进程、生活方式等的)混乱,紊乱
    Dislocation is a situation in which something such as a system, process, or way of life is greatly disturbed or prevented from continuing as normal.

    e.g. Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives.

dislocation 单语例句

1. Inflation was tamed - but at the cost of tremendous societal dislocation.

2. dislocation是什么意思

2. Investigators were trying to identify the cause of the cabin's dislocation, the spokesman said.

3. The report also cautioned people against carrying heavy loads that could strain the muscles, cause dislocation of spinal discs and pains in the lower back.

4. That dislocation means that some companies may have financial difficulties, a scenario he said will provide good opportunities for investors such as Blackstone.

5. Both the green fox and the heroine embody the desire for forbidden love and an inescapable sense of dislocation.

6. That reflects a kind of political dislocation which is common among many developing countries, and which often causes social instability.

7. The boy underwent neurosurgery on Aug 4 to correct a dislocation of his first and second neck vertebrae.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. An MRI exam on Monday showed Hunter had suffered a lateral dislocation of the finger and a doctor on Tuesday suggested surgery.

9. This kind of psychological dislocation constitutes the foundation of the " China threat " theory subscribed to by many Japanese.

10. Both measures must be pursued with the same strength in order to avoid dislocation of policy space.

dislocation 英英释义


1. dislocation是什么意思

1. the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue

    e.g. the social dislocations resulting from government policies
           his warning came after the breakdown of talks in London

    Synonym: breakdown

2. danci.911cha.com

2. an event that results in a displacement or discontinuity

    Synonym: disruption

3. dislocation

3. a displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)