
dislodge [dɪsˈlɒdʒ]  [dɪsˈlɑ:dʒ] 






dislodge 基本解释

及物动词把…逐出,驱逐; 把…移动


dislodge 相关例句



1. He dislodged the rock and it rolled down the hill.

2. The doctor dislodged the fish bone from her throat.

dislodge 网络解释

1. 拉出,取出:discrete 离散的,分立的 | dislodge 拉出,取出 | dissolution 结束

2. 去除; 取出:crevice:细缝 | dislodge: 去除; 取出 | surfactant:表面活性剂

3. 赶走:8. canister 罐,筒,榴霰弹筒 | 9. dislodge 赶走 | 10. charge 冲锋,向前冲

dislodge 词典解释

1. (从固定位置上)取出,去除,移动
    To dislodge something means to remove it from where it was fixed or held.

    e.g. Rainfall had dislodged debris from the slopes of the volcano...
    e.g. In the exertion Tompkins' hat had become dislodged.

2. 把(某人)逐出;把…赶下
    To dislodge a person from a position or job means to remove them from it.

    e.g. He may challenge the Prime Minister even if he decides he cannot dislodge her this time.

dislodge 单语例句

1. The Heimlich maneuver is a carefully placed push that can help dislodge an object from a choking person's throat.

2. dislodge

2. Although energy efficient bulbs achieve huge savings, governments have decided it is taking too long for them to dislodge cheaper conventional lighting.

3. Aid workers were trying to dislodge corpses and dead animals from water drainpipes and wells in a race against time to restore clean water supplies.

4. More than 200 military officers are charged with plotting a coup in 2003 to dislodge the then newly elected government.

5. The officials also said the administration wants Syria to use its influence over Lebanon to help dislodge terrorist groups operating there.

6. Lord Mandelson tells how Mr Brown promised him a return to the Cabinet if he would help him dislodge Mr Blair from Number 10.

7. Quark Expeditions said " continuing high winds thwarted the attempt to dislodge " the ship Wednesday afternoon.

8. Rebels have been trying to dislodge Gadhafi forces from the town since April.

9. dislodge的近义词

9. The statement said windows dislodge and fall mainly because aluminum rivets holding the window frames become corroded and give way.

10. Under normal circumstances, it's very hard to dislodge a common file format.

dislodge 英英释义


1. remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied

    e.g. The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space

    Synonym: bump

2. dislodge

2. remove or force out from a position

    e.g. The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums
           He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble

    Synonym: free

3. change place or direction

    e.g. Shift one's position

    Synonym: shift reposition