
dismissal [dɪsˈmɪsl]  [dɪsˈmɪsəl] 


dismissal 基本解释

名词解雇,免职; 撤退; 解雇通知; [法]驳回,拒绝受理

dismissal 相关例句


1. After the dismissal of the cook we had to make our meals ourselves.

dismissal 网络解释


1. 解雇:认为利益就是一种恩惠、优势,雇主必须有施惠之意,如担保、医疗照顾等. 此外雇主在解雇(dismissal)时也不可以采取歧视行为. 如在公司经济不景气的情况下,首先解雇中高龄者或非全职职工等. 1.真实职业资格(genuineoccupationalqulification,

2. 驱逐术:被束缚的跨位面生物不会被驱逐术(dismissal)、放逐术(banishment),或其他类似效果送回它的原属位面. 另外,所有对邪恶敌人的重击都会自动成功,因此所有重击威胁都是重击. 这一项效果对任何已经有重击相关魔法属性的武器无效,

3. 解雇;开除:Discipline:纪律 | Dismissal:解雇;开除 | Downsizing:精简

dismissal 词典解释

1. 解雇;开除;免职
    When an employee is dismissed from their job, you can refer to their dismissal .

    e.g. ...Mr Low's dismissal from his post at the head of the commission.

2. 不予考虑;不予理会
    Dismissal of something means deciding or saying that it is not important.

    e.g. ...their high-handed dismissal of public opinion.

dismissal 单语例句

1. dismissal

1. A claim of unfair dismissal brought by a female worker against the French supermarket chain Carrefour has been rejected in court.

2. Cathay had argued that the dismissal was a result of the pilots taking frequent sick leave and their negative attitudes toward the company.

3. His dismissal was also linked to a lewd comment he made to Sky Sports News presenter Charlotte Jackson in December.

4. Obama said that ban and Bush's dismissal of important evidence on climate change were over.

5. The dismissal came with 18 games left and the team clinging to the fifth playoff spot in the Eastern Conference.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. New York State Supreme Court Justice Michael Obus accepted the prosecutors'request for dismissal of all charges.

7. The dismissal was the cue for a magnificent rearguard action from Inter who dealt with almost everything the fearsome Barca attack could throw at them.

8. The true value of dismissal after six valid complaints is to introduce and enhance public supervision as a strong supplement to our current supervisory system.

9. Table tennis players and gymnasts even face the prospect of dismissal if caught engaged in physical displays of affection.

10. The opposition is demanding dismissal of officials which oversaw last month's vote and new laws to prevent rigging in addition to Yanukovich's removal.

dismissal 英英释义


1. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

    Synonym: dismission discharge firing liberation release sack sacking

2. dismissal的解释

2. a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial

    Synonym: judgment of dismissal judgement of dismissal

3. permission to go
    the sending away of someone

4. official notice that you have been fired from your job

    Synonym: dismission pink slip