
dismissed [dɪs'mɪst]  [dɪs'mɪst] 




dismissed 基本解释
驳回;解雇( dismiss的过去式和过去分词 );退场;使退去;
dismissed 网络解释


1. 解散:尽管他们现在解散(dismissed)了~但是他们所创作的那些经典曲目一直在你我心中!尽管他们现在解散(dismissed)了~但是他们所创作的那些经典曲目一直在你我心中!

2. 驳回:discretion裁量权 | dismissed驳回 | dissenting异议

3. 散会:We live happily ever after.|此后我们开心的生活下去 | - Dismissed.|散会 | - Becket!|班克特

4. 解散的,被排除的:53.discrimination 歧視 | 54.dismissed 解散的,被排除的 | 55.display 展示(覽)

dismissed 单语例句

1. Murdoch dismissed buying Internet company AOL, which parent Time Warner Inc plans to spin off.

2. Bye dismissed the conclusions of his fellow judges, just as he did on April 29 in dissenting against a temporary stay.

3. dismissed的意思

3. That could have come sooner than expected if officials had not dismissed suggestions that Woods's caddie Steve Williams had stepped on his ball.

4. A Superior Court judge dismissed the case in 2001 on grounds that federal rules covering employer health plans bar state civil rights actions.

5. dismissed

5. Premier Wen on March 14 dismissed US complaints about China's exchange rate, calling them counterproductive and saying he did not believe the yuan was undervalued.

6. dismissed什么意思

6. Iran's hardline regime dismissed appeals from ElBaradei to freeze its controversial nuclear program and calm suspicions it is seeking the bomb.

7. dismissed的解释

7. Mancini also dismissed reports he had threatened a television cameraman in the immediate aftermath of the match.

8. But Sharif supporters cheered outside a court in Lahore yesterday after a judge dismissed complaints against his renewed candidacy.

9. dismissed是什么意思

9. Israeli television stations said it was likely that those signatories still in active service would be dismissed from the unit.

10. dismissed什么意思

10. Charges against rapper Kanye West and actor Gerard Butler were recently dismissed after both men completed community service after scuffles with celebrity photographers.

dismissed 英英释义


1. having lost your job

    Synonym: discharged fired laid-off pink-slipped