
dispirited [dɪˈspɪrɪtɪd]  [dɪˈspɪrɪtɪd] 

dispirited 基本解释


形容词沮丧的; 没有精神的; 意气消沉的

dispirited 网络解释

1. 萎靡:精神状态 Mental Status | 萎靡 Dispirited | 反应差 Low Response;

2. 没有精神的:dispersivity 分散性 | dispirited 没有精神的 | displace 移置

3. 垂头丧气,没有精神的:vacant 空虚的,茫然的 | dispirited 垂头丧气,没有精神的 | overtake 侵袭,压倒

4. 委靡不振:disphoticzone 弱光层 弱光带 | dispirited 委靡不振 | displacedorebody 移位矿体

dispirited 词典解释

1. 气馁的;沮丧的;心灰意懒的
    If you are dispirited, you have lost your enthusiasm and excitement.

    e.g. I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed.

dispirited 单语例句

1. dispirited是什么意思

1. People afflicted with Type D personality are people who feel dispirited and uncomfortable in any social environment.

2. With Obama not on the ballot again until 2012, dispirited supporters are unlikely to hold back a growing Republican and conservative tea party tide.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. He went on to kick all England's 24 points in a comfortable win over a dispirited French side in which Michalak was barely sighted.

4. The downfall of the Southern Song Dynasty was mainly caused by the dispirited kings whose minds and thoughts were intent upon nothing but bodily pleasures.

dispirited 英英释义



1. filled with melancholy and despondency

    e.g. gloomy at the thought of what he had to face
           gloomy predictions
           a gloomy silence
           took a grim view of the economy
           the darkening mood
           lonely and blue in a strange city
           depressed by the loss of his job
           a dispirited and resigned expression on her face
           downcast after his defeat
           feeling discouraged and downhearted

    Synonym: gloomy grim blue depressed down(p) downcast downhearted down in the mouth low low-spirited

2. marked by low spirits
    showing no enthusiasm

    e.g. a dispirited and divided Party
           reacted to the crisis with listless resignation

    Synonym: listless