
disproportion [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ʃn]  [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:rʃn] 


disproportion 基本解释



disproportion 网络解释

1. 歧化:键级的定义是:终止自由基传递的主要途径之一是歧化(disproportion),即两个相同的自由基相互传递电子,使其中之一得到1个电子被还原,另一个失去单电子被氧化.

2. 不均衡:disproportion potential 歧化势 | disproportion 不均衡 | disproportionate ratio 不相称的比例

3. 不相称:dispositional attribution 素质归因 | disproportion 不相称 | disquietude 不安

4. 不成比例:disproof 抢夺霸占剥夺 | disproportion 不成比例 | disproportion 不均衡

disproportion 词典解释

1. 不成比例;不相称
    A disproportion is a state in which two things are unequal.

    e.g. ...a disproportion in the legal resources available to the two sides.

disproportion 单语例句

1. The tradition of son preference has widened the disproportion of sex ratio.

2. Disproportion in gender is indeed a serious problem, but to treat it as a threat to international security is an unwarranted distraction.

3. There is a disproportion between the size of the difference in negotiating positions and the political will to conclude.

4. Zhang urged resolute measures be taken to curb the fast growth of the newborn sex disproportion.

disproportion 英英释义



1. lack of proportion
    imbalance among the parts of something