
disrespect [ˌdɪsrɪˈspekt]  [ˌdɪsrɪˈspɛkt] 

disrespect 基本解释




disrespect 相关例句



1. I meant no disrespect for your traditions.

disrespect 网络解释


1. 失礼:在宴席(banquet)上行为举止要得体,否则就是失礼(disrespect),会被人认为没有教养(breeding). 所以在宴席上,不可用餐巾(napkin)擦银器皿;不要把汤匙放在汤碗中. 在餐桌上不要服用任何药品. 口中食物太多时,不要和别人讲话. 在众人面前,

2. 不尊重:如果社会认为在每种情况下的失败只是与 获得角色的要求有关的话,它对该职位占有者所宣告的评价就不会是否定的.因而,它就不 能用不尊重 (disrespect) 这个术语来表示.例如,一个没有能力制止通货膨胀的总统可能导 致没有自尊.

3. 粗鲁无礼:触摸: touch, contact, tap | 粗鲁无礼: rudeness, impudence, impertinence, insolence, disrespect | 粗鲁无礼的: rude, impudent, impertinent, insolent, fresh

4. 贬:贬:disparage, disdain, disrespect, contempt, devalue, defy/defiance, depreciate, despise, | 窘:embarrass, abash, humiliate, mortify | 沮:frustrated, disappointed, dismay,

disrespect 词典解释

1. 不尊敬;无礼;轻蔑
    If someone shows disrespect, they speak or behave in a way that shows lack of respect for a person, law, or custom.

    e.g. ...young people with complete disrespect for authority.

2. disrespect是什么意思

2. (在表示批评某人或某物时)绝无不尊敬之意
    You can say 'no disrespect to someone or something' when you are just about to criticize them, in order to indicate that you are not hostile towards them or admire them for other things.

    e.g. No disrespect to John Beck, but the club has been happier since he left.

disrespect 单语例句

1. Any disrespect to intellectual property rights will also tarnish the company's image across the globe.

2. Admiration for hospitality and filial piety is combined with grumbles about disrespect for queues and inconsiderate motorists.

3. For another, what's more miserable is that veterans have to sustain disrespect and despise of the society.

4. The destruction of the building also represents grave disrespect for the architects and builders, who doubtlessly feel immense pain to see their child perish after only 13 years.

5. No disrespect to Villa, ''said the midfielder Joe Cole.

6. President Rene Preval has made several visits to the disaster site, blaming the collapse on constant government turnover and a general disrespect for the law.

7. Some star players reportedly isolated themselves from their younger teammates as a show of disrespect to them and their coaches.

8. There is no disrespect in placing behind Zidane and Cantona, but in his prime Ronaldo was incontrovertibly the most exciting player on the planet.

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9. But frequent reports of teachers being humiliated by students at least prove that disrespect for teachers is not a rare happening.

10. Afghanistan is a staunchly Islamic country and its people are quick to demonstrate at perceived disrespect to their faith.

disrespect 英英释义



1. a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous

    Synonym: contempt

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2. a disrespectful mental attitude

3. an expression of lack of respect

    Synonym: discourtesy


1. have little or no respect for
    hold in contempt

    Synonym: disesteem

2. show a lack of respect for