
disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt]  [dɪsˈrʌpt] 






disrupt 基本解释


及物动词破坏; 使混乱; 使分裂,使瓦解; 使中断

形容词混乱的; 分裂的,中断的; 瓦解的

disrupt 相关例句



1. I hope their disrupt friendship will be renewed.


1. His speech disrupted the meeting.

2. The war seemed likely to disrupt the state.

3. Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union then.

4. The heavy storm has disrupted telephone service.

disrupt 网络解释


1. 破坏:我们将烦恼视为强而有力,且能破坏(disrupt)、扰乱(disturb)我们心的敌人. 我们尝试着以各种我们学过的方法,来对治并且转化我们心的负面倾向. 当我们发现自己当下缺乏战胜敌人的能力时,我们就采取另一种善巧的方法--策略性的撤退,

2. 瓦解,中断,使分裂:disrobe 脱衣 | disrupt 瓦解,中断,使分裂 | dissect 分辨,切开,分析

3. 使中断:disroot 连根拔除 | disrupt 使中断 | disruption 中断

4. 分裂:disrotatory 对旋 | disrupt 分裂 | disrupted anomaly 脱节异常

disrupt 词典解释

1. disrupt是什么意思

1. 使中断;扰乱
    If someone or something disrupts an event, system, or process, they cause difficulties that prevent it from continuing or operating in a normal way.

    e.g. Anti-war protesters disrupted the debate.
    e.g. The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.

disrupt 单语例句

1. " The state organs are positioned to act against anybody who tries to disrupt the process, " President Thabo Mbeki said on Tuesday.

2. This year the conservationist group Sea Shepherd has chased Japan's whaling ships for thousands of miles and thrown bottles of rancid butter to disrupt operations.

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3. Wenger was infuriated by the way United set out to disrupt Arsenal's smooth passing game by flying into tackles with aggressive intent.

4. disrupt

4. The CAAC also called for airport public security departments to take decisive measures against passengers'violent illegal actions that disrupt normal airport operations.

5. disrupt的意思

5. Asda is threatening to use legal action to block a potential strike over pay rights that could disrupt the grocer's supplies during the World Cup.

6. Activists at nearby camping sites were gearing up for clashes Tuesday, and vowed to disrupt the meeting however they could.

7. disrupt什么意思

7. CISA fears that if Vale builds a distribution center in China, it will disrupt spot market prices.

8. Four years ago human rights activists managed to briefly disrupt the Beijing Olympics ceremony.

9. Mr Churchill's statement said considerable efforts had been made to disrupt German progress - including attacks on plants making constituent parts of the bomb.

10. disrupt的意思

10. They dare not use any stern words to criticize the students who disrupt classroom order for fear of being accused of " hurting student's self respect ".

disrupt 英英释义



1. interfere in someone else's activity

    e.g. Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone

    Synonym: interrupt

2. throw into disorder

    e.g. This event disrupted the orderly process

3. make a break in

    e.g. We interrupt the program for the following messages

    Synonym: interrupt break up cut off