
dissecting [dɪ'sektɪŋ]  [dɪ'sektɪŋ] 






dissecting 基本解释
解剖( dissect的现在分词 );仔细分析或研究;
dissecting 网络解释

1. 套色拼隔版:dissectanatomiseanatomizedissectionscalpelvivisect 解剖 | dissecting 套色拼隔版 | dissectionexcide 切开

2. 葵二酸二辛脂 解剖显微镜:disruption 破裂,破坏 | dissecting 葵二酸二辛脂 解剖显微镜 | dissection 解剖,剖分

3. 分割:disprove 反证 | dissecting 分割 | distance 距离

4. 剖切:Dissecting operator相关词的翻译: | 剖切:dissecting | 拟周期运动:dissecting

dissecting 单语例句

1. There have been more than 4 million Weibo posts about the film, dissecting every minutia.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Ba Jin treats himself as an example of the Chinese intellectuals of the time, dissecting his own weaknesses to arouse the consciousness of them all.

3. They all consistently verified that what had been unearthed was in fact a " dissecting room ".

4. dissecting是什么意思

4. Scholars from around the world are dissecting the Springsteen legend this weekend in New Jersey.

5. Some people seem able to extract an unusual amount of pleasure from dissecting casting choices.

6. dissecting

6. Zhao spent three days dissecting folding fans to figure out how they were made.