
dissipate [ˈdɪsɪpeɪt]  [ˈdɪsəˌpet] 







dissipate 基本解释

及物动词驱散; 使消散; 浪费,挥霍; 耗尽

不及物动词消散; 放荡,挥霍

dissipate 同义词

动词squander dispel scatter spread waste disperse

dissipate 反义词



dissipate 相关例句


1. The crowd dissipated.

2. Don't dissipate your efforts.

3. The wind quickly dissipated the clouds.


1. The crowd soon dissipated when the police arrived.

dissipate 网络解释

1. 使消散,驱散:dissimulate 掩饰,假装 | dissipate 使消散,驱散 | dissolute 放荡,淫乐的

2. 驱散:consent同意,赞成 | dissipate驱散vt | disperse驱散,疏散

3. 驱散,浪费:dispel 驅散 | dissipate 驅散,浪費 | dis- 有時作di-,

4. 浪费:279. differential compound 差复励 | 280. dissipate 浪费 | 281. equilibrium level 平均值

dissipate 词典解释

1. (使)消失;消除;驱散
    When something dissipates or when you dissipate it, it becomes less or becomes less strong until it disappears or goes away completely.

    e.g. The tension in the room had dissipated...
    e.g. He wound down the windows to dissipate the heat.

...heat dissipation.

2. 浪费(金钱、时间或精力);挥霍
    When someone dissipates money, time, or effort, they waste it in a foolish way.

    e.g. He is dissipating his time and energy on too many different things...
    e.g. Her father had dissipated her inheritance.

...the dissipation of my wealth.
dissipate 单语例句

1. The body cools itself by circulating blood to dissipate heat through the skin.

2. The aim is to " activate blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis ", based on TCM theory.

3. The central bank added that the new scenario serves to " dissipate the impact " of the current volatility in foreign markets and the economic slowdown abroad.

4. dissipate的意思

4. The contaminated water will quickly dissipate in the ocean but could pose a danger to workers at the plant.

5. dissipate的近义词

5. First, favorable conditions for the growth of the " world factory " have begun to dissipate.

6. Officials from China to South Korea have refrained from raising rates in recent weeks to gauge whether slowing economic growth will dissipate price pressures.

7. dissipate

7. That's because perspiration that accumulates overnight cannot properly dissipate under the folded bed clothing.

8. dissipate在线翻译

8. Layers of fat make it extra difficult for a body to dissipate heat, or to move to a cool location.

9. Even if negotiators produce a constitution in the next week, the wide divide over issues are unlikely to dissipate.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. His jealousy and rage soon dissipate when he hits on the idea of blackmailing the rapist.

dissipate 英英释义


1. spend frivolously and unwisely

    e.g. Fritter away one's inheritance

    Synonym: fritter frivol away shoot fritter away fool fool away

2. move away from each other

    e.g. The crowds dispersed
           The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached

    Synonym: disperse scatter spread out

3. to cause to separate and go in different directions

    e.g. She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

    Synonym: disperse dispel break up scatter

4. live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption