







distances 基本解释
距离( distance的名词复数 );远处;相距;疏远;
distances 网络解释


1. 距离:-- 帮助保罗.罗杰的杂志<<距离>>(Distances)配图. (共3期). 1 9 2 9 年 -- 与保罗.艾吕亚(Paul Eluard)和嘉拉.艾吕亚(Gala Eluard)逗留于达利家中,后来嘉拉.艾吕亚成为嘉拉.达利. -- 马格里特化名弗洛朗.贝尔杰(Florent Berger)为左派撰写了一些文章.

2. 距离(复数形式):related to 和...有关联 | distances 距离(复数形式) | unofficially 非正式的

3. 间距:操作系统 Operating systems | 间距Distances | 角度Angles

4. 距离:测量一对原子间的距离:+21. Demos and Demo Editor -演示和演示编辑:创建并演示 | +22. Distances - 距离:测量一对原子间的距离 | +23. Dock Prep - Dock准备:增加氢原子和电荷等,为Dock或者其他计算作准备

distances 单语例句

1. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of hauling water, often over great distances.

2. And it would have to adjust for varying light conditions and the raucous commotion of people at different distances from its sensor.

3. distances

3. More rural students now have to travel long distances to schools in counties or cities, as the number of village schools has declined due to consolidation efforts.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Birds and butterflies are among the first to adapt to climate change because they can fly long distances to seek a cooler habitat.

5. The quality of landing can be a determining factor in deciding the finishing place when the distances are similar.

6. " Peasants come from long distances to our Red dramatics, " Miss Wei proudly informed me.

7. Hu said drivers arriving later in the day have also had to walk vast distances to get to the entrance.

8. But Tibetan nomads only travel long distances in the summer when the plateau is covered with exuberant grasses.

9. Hu says the most important change in interactivity is that information can be transferred across both far and near distances in real time.

10. Water is rationed in the downtown areas of Chongqing, and farmers have to trudge long distances in the countryside to fetch it.