
distich ['dɪstɪk]  ['dɪstɪk] 

distich 基本解释



distich 网络解释

1. 对句:disthrone 废 | distich 对句 | distichous 二列的

2. 对句; 对联 (名):distention 膨胀; 扩张 (名) | distich 对句; 对联 (名) | distillable 可由蒸馏而得的 (形)

3. 对句/对联:disthene /蓝晶石/ | distich /对句/对联/ | distichia /双行睫/

distich 双语例句


1. The next in order, the distich son should acquaint with.

2. The answer to this difficulty is found in the distich (ii, 4) which contains the central and distinctive teaching of the book.
    回答了这个困难,被发现在该distich ,其中包含中央和独特的教学图书。


3. Writing distich is for fun only.

4. Compared with Dufu, Fengzhi is not so mature in distich, but he integrates distich and striding sentence skillfully, and he developes the distich in current Chinese thoroughly, which offeres a perfect model in creation of new-poem.

distich 英英释义


1. two items of the same kind

    Synonym: couple pair twosome twain brace span yoke couplet duo duet dyad duad