
disturbed [dɪˈstɜ:bd]  [dɪˈstɜ:rbd] 




disturbed 基本解释


形容词被扰乱的; 心理失常的; 为心理失常者服务的


disturbed 相关例句



1. She is emotionally disturbed.

disturbed 网络解释


1. 骚动乐团:」系列第28辑得到第四名;嘻哈歌手Plies的新作「Definition of Real」降到第五名;亚瑟小子(Usher)的「王者天下(Here I Stand)」获得第六名;骚动乐团(Disturbed)的「永不毁灭(Indestructible)」排名第十名.

2. 受到干扰的:dishonorable 不光彩的 | disturbed 受到干扰的 | eccentric 古怪的

3. 感到烦恼:124 感到疲倦的 be exhausted | 125 感到烦恼 be worried, upset, disturbed, bothered | 126 放弃理想 abandon the ideal

4. 扰乱的:delighted欣喜的, 快乐的 | disturbed扰乱的 | satisfied感到满意的

disturbed 词典解释

1. 有精神病的;心理不正常的;精神紊乱的
    A disturbed person is very upset emotionally, and often needs special care or treatment.

    e.g. ...working with severely emotionally disturbed children...
    e.g. The murderer was apparently mentally disturbed.

2. 心神不安的;心烦意乱的;烦恼的
    You can say that someone is disturbed when they are very worried or anxious.

    e.g. Doctors were disturbed that less than 30 percent of the patients were women...
    e.g. I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year's Championships.

3. 不幸的;多灾多难的;动荡不安的
    If you describe a situation or period of time as disturbed, you mean that it is unhappy and full of problems.

    e.g. ...these disturbed times.
    e.g. ...women from disturbed backgrounds.

disturbed 单语例句

1. disturbed的意思

1. Both professors and students disturbed by ringing phones and conversations in classes and libraries are in favour of the new regulations.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. I'm reluctant to be disturbed by this small thing, but I can't be calm.

3. disturbed的意思

3. Luo had clearly violated the copyright right, greatly disturbed the normal order of the CAD software market and severely damaged public interest.

4. The continuing trend has disturbed some experts and prompted them to call for government and industry action.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The reflecting pool of the canvas has been disturbed, and a third mirrored likeness looks outward from inside the pool.

6. Witnesses said the property owner was sleeping when she was disturbed by the sound of her faulty refrigerator catching on fire.

7. So disturbed are some people by tree fluff that solutions used here include chemical warfare and sexual sterilization.

8. People take this opportunity to clean their house, so the gods and spirits will not be disturbed or offended.

9. disturbed的翻译

9. Some thought it was a water monster who had been disturbed by nearby construction work.

10. Societies must also act to protect us from those disturbed individuals and those with criminal intentions.

disturbed 英英释义



1. emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships

    Synonym: maladjusted

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. having the place or position changed

    e.g. the disturbed books and papers on her desk
           disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed

3. affected with madness or insanity

    e.g. a man who had gone mad

    Synonym: brainsick crazy demented mad sick unbalanced unhinged

4. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief

    e.g. too upset to say anything
           spent many disquieted moments
           distressed about her son's leaving home
           lapsed into disturbed sleep
           worried parents
           a worried frown
           one last worried check of the sleeping children

    Synonym: disquieted distressed upset worried