
diversion [daɪˈvɜ:ʃn]  [daɪˈvɜ:rʒn] 


diversion 基本解释

名词转移; 消遣; 分散注意力

diversion 相关例句



1. The magician's talk created a diversion of attention.

2. London offers lots diversions for every type of person.

3. Chess and tennis are his favorite diversions.

4. I think the present armed clash on the border was a diversion to make their people forget the internal difficult economic situation.

5. His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.

diversion 网络解释


1. 转换:◆ 超现实主义对心理的无意识强调被迂回(Detournementi)一转换(Diversion)或移置(Displacement)、诱导(Derive)、飘流(Drift),被整合的都会生活等观念所取代,使艺术品超越形式,使环境变为情境(有意义的社会场所).

2. 转移:于是BP制定了相应的3D政策,即阻止(Deterrent)、转移(Diversion)和发展(Development). 首先要阻止土著民的吸闻行为,然后引导他们转向更为有益的兴趣爱好,最后帮助失学孩子重返校园. 本文开头提到的马修.布朗就是3D政策的最大受益者之一.

diversion 词典解释

1. 转移注意力的行为;令人分心的事情
    A diversion is an action or event that attracts your attention away from what you are doing or concentrating on.

    e.g. The robbers threw smoke bombs to create a diversion...
    e.g. The whole argument is a diversion.

2. 消遣;娱乐
    A diversion is an activity that you do for pleasure.

    e.g. Finger painting is very messy but an excellent diversion.

3. diversion的意思

3. 临时绕行路;临时支路
    A diversion is a special route arranged for traffic to follow when the normal route cannot be used.

    e.g. They turned back because of traffic diversions.

in AM, use 美国英语用 detour

4. 转向;转移;偏离
    The diversion of something involves changing its course or destination.

    e.g. ...the illegal diversion of profits from secret arms sales.
    e.g. ...the diversion of a ship to Lebanon with $8m worth of aluminium on board.

diversion 单语例句

1. A diversion ditch was dug to allow clean water to flow from upstream to bypass the leak area.

2. The White House said Ahmadinejad's call for a presidential debate on global concerns was a " diversion " from international concerns over Iran's nuclear programme.

3. Construction workers have completed preparations for damming the diversion canal of the Three Gorges dam project and the work is scheduled to start this afternoon.

4. The modern world creates a large class of people engaged in sedentary labor who need physical activity as a diversion.

5. It is based on the principle of a diversion of powers and lawful administration.

6. The Shanghai commodity market has been further affected by the massive diversion of investment funds to the booming stock market in recent months.

7. The construction of the first phase of the water diversion is at risk.

8. But the underlying dynamics are more complicated than simple currency appreciation and speculative diversion of investment from the stock market and manufacturing for exports.

9. A small hydropower plant generates electricity by only using annual runoffs of local rivers with only a lower diversion dam built on them.

10. diversion的反义词

10. Lu also dismissed seawater desalination as an alternative to the water diversion project, saying desalination will " bring potential damage to the ecological balance of the sea ".

diversion 英英释义



1. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

    e.g. a diversion from the main highway
           a digression into irrelevant details
           a deflection from his goal

    Synonym: deviation digression deflection deflexion divagation

2. an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

    e.g. scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists
           for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles
           drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation

    Synonym: recreation

3. an attack calculated to draw enemy defense away from the point of the principal attack

    Synonym: diversionary attack