






donates 基本解释
捐赠( donate的第三人称单数 );献;捐;捐献;
donates 单语例句

1. donates

1. He now donates blood so frequently that a thick callus has appeared on his arm where the needle is inserted.

2. donates的反义词

2. The tax policy allows a deduction of up to 3 percent of a company's total profit if it donates to 22 designated charity foundations.

3. Any guest who donates 50 yuan will get a wish card and a Russian doll key chain.

4. donates的近义词

4. Net proceeds go to his Tiger Woods Learning Center, and Woods always donates whatever he makes to his foundation.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Medical institutions will handle a placenta if a mother gives it up or donates it.

6. donates的翻译

6. A student donates her pocket money in Beijing on Saturday to aid people in Taiwan hit by Typhoon Morakot.

7. donates

7. Each time a student comes and donates, they will bow deeply to express their thanks and appreciation.

8. The restaurant has its regular charity day on the last Saturday of every month and donates that day's turnover to people in need.

9. Chao has cooperated with the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation for 10 years and donates to the organization every time he plays Sun.

10. Each year, it donates more than HK $ 1 billion to charity in Hong Kong.